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  • LHR-解锁-双ETH+CFX
t-rex -a ethash --lhr-algo octopus -o stratum+ssl://eth-us-east.flexpool.io:5555 -u 0x1f75eccd8fbddf057495b96669ac15f8e296c2cd -p x -w rig0 --url2 stratum+tcp://pool.woolypooly.com:3094 --user2 cfx:aajauymfc0cpd4aj91wmfyd150avfg3fmym9j2xrh8.rig0 --pass2 x

T-Rex NVIDIA GPU 矿工(Ethash / Autolykos2 / Kawpow / Octopus / Firopow / MTP)



T-Rex 是一款多功能的加密货币挖掘软件。它支持多种算法,作为开发人员,我们正在尽最大努力使其尽可能快速和方便地使用。

开发者费用为 1%(Octopus、Autolykos2 及其双挖矿模式为 2%)。



    -a, --algo                     Specify the hash algorithm to use.
        --coin                     [Ethash, ProgPOW] Set coin name.
                                   Helps avoid DAG rebuilds when switching back from a dev fee session.
                                   Example: "eth" for Ethereum, "zil" for Zilliqa.
        --extra-dag-epoch          Allocate extra DAG at GPU for specified epoch. Can be useful for dual mining
                                   of coins like Zilliqa (ZIL). (eg: --extra-dag-epoch 0)
                                   Can be set for each GPU separately by using comma separated list of values
                                   (set to -1 for the GPUs that should not allocate the extra DAG).
        --nonce-start              [Ethash, ProgPOW] Starting nonce for the solution search.
        --nonce-range-size         [Ethash, ProgPOW] Nonce range size for nonce search. The range will be split between all devices.
    -d, --devices                  Comma separated list of CUDA devices to use.
                                   Device IDs start counting from 0.
        --ab-indexing              Afterburner indexing (same as default but starts from 1).
    -i, --intensity                GPU intensity 8-25 (default: auto).
                                   Controls the GPU workload size, in other words how many nonces the miner is
                                   processing "in one go": N = 2 ^ intensity
        --low-load                 Low load mode (default: 0). 1 - enabled, 0 - disabled.
                                   Reduces the load on the GPUs if possible. Can be set to a comma separated string to enable
                                   the mode for a subset of the GPU list (eg: --low-load 0,0,1,0)
        --lhr-algo                 Specify the second algorithm to use in LHR unlock dual mining mode.
        --lhr-coin                 Set coin name for --lhr-algo.
        --lhr-tune                 [Ethash] LHR tuning value that indicates the percentage of the full speed the miner
                                   tries to achieve for LHR cards (default: -1). Range from 10 to 95.
                                   -1 - auto-mode (LHR tune is set to 71 (or 68 in low power mode) for LHR cards and 0 for non-LHR)
                                    0 - disabled (use for non-LHR cards)
                                   30 - recommended starting value for most LHR cards in LHR unlock dual mining mode (see --lhr-algo)
                                   68 - recommended starting value for most LHR cards in low power mode (see --lhr-low-power)
                                   71 - recommended starting value for most LHR cards
                                   Can be set for each GPU separately, e.g.
                                   "lhr-tune": "0,0,71.5,0" - this will set LHR tuning value to 71.5 for the third GPU.
        --lhr-low-power            [Ethash] Reduces power consumption in LHR mode at a cost of a slightly lower hashrate.
        --kernel                   [Ethash] Choose CUDA kernel (default: 0). Range from 0 to 5.
                                   Set to 0 to enable auto-tuning: the miner will benchmark each kernel and select the fastest.
                                   Can be set to a comma separated list to apply different values to different cards.
                                   (eg: --kernel 2,1,1,3)
                                   The support for this parameter may later be extended to cover other algorithms.
        --gpu-init-mode            Enables DAG sequential initialization (default: 0).
                                   0 - all GPUs are initialized in parallel
                                   1 - fully sequential initialization, one GPU at a time
                                   2 - two GPUs at a time
        --dag-build-mode           [Ethash, ProgPOW, Octopus] Controls how DAG is built (default: 0).
                                   0 - auto (miner will choose the most appropriate mode based on the GPU model)
                                   1 - default (suitable for most graphics cards)
                                   2 - recommended for 30xx cards to prevent invalid shares
                                   Can be set to a comma separated list to apply different values to different cards.
                                   (eg: --dag-build-mode 1,1,2,1)
        --keep-gpu-busy            Continue mining even in case of pool connection loss.
                                   Useful when a GPU crashes during start/stop cycle that occurs when internet
                                   connection goes down.

    -o, --url                      URL of the mining pool in the following format: <scheme>://<host>:<port>
                                   Supported schemes: stratum+tcp
                                   stratum2 is normally used by Nicehash, MiningPoolHub and other similar mining pools
                                   Example: stratum+tcp://eu1.ethermine.org:4444
        --url2                     URL of a second mining pool used for second algo in dual mining mode.
    -u, --user                     Username for mining server.
        --user2                    Username for mining server used for second algo in dual mining mode.
    -p, --pass                     Password for mining server.
        --pass2                    Password for mining server used for second algo in dual mining mode.
    -w, --worker                   Worker name.
        --worker2                  Worker name for mining server used for second algo in dual mining mode.

    -r, --retries                  Number of times to retry if a network call fails.
    -R, --retry-pause              Pause in seconds between retries.
    -T, --timeout                  Network timeout, in seconds (default: 300)
        --time-limit               Miner shutdown interval in seconds. (default: 0 - disabled)

        --temperature-color        Set temperature color for GPUs stat. Example: 55,65 - it means that
                                   temperatures above 55 will have yellow color, above 65 - red color. (default: 67,77)
        --temperature-limit        GPU shutdown temperature. (default: 0 - disabled)
        --temperature-start        GPU temperature to enable card after disable. (default: 0 - disabled)

        --api-bind-http            IP:port for the miner API via HTTP (default: Set to 0 to disable.
                                   For external access set IP to, in which case setting "--api-read-only" is
                                   recommended as well.
        --api-https                Enable https protocol for API calls.
        --api-key                  Pre-generated authorization key for API calls. Use "--api-generate-key" to generate it.
                                   Mandatory for allowing modify/update API calls.
        --api-read-only            Allow only read operations for API calls.
                                   Enabled by default if "--api-key" isn't set.
        --api-generate-key         Generate API key from user-defined password. The output key is used as a value for "--api-key".
                                   Use this option along with "-c" to write api-key directly into your config file.
        --api-webserver-cert       Full path to API web server certificate file.
        --api-webserver-pkey       Full path to API web server private key file.

    -N, --hashrate-avr             Sliding window length in seconds used to compute average hashrate (default: 60).
        --sharerate-avr            Sliding window length in seconds used to compute sharerate (default: 600).
        --gpu-report-interval      GPU stats report frequency. Minimum is 5 sec. (default: 30 sec)
        --gpu-report-interval-s    GPU stats report frequency in shares. 0 by default (disabled).
    -q, --quiet                    Quiet mode. No GPU stats at all.
        --hide-date                Don't show date in console.
        --send-stales              Don't drop stale shares.
        --validate-shares          Validate shares before sending to a pool. Also enables share diff info.

        --no-color                 Disable color output for console.
        --no-hashrate-report       Disable hashrate report to pool.
        --no-nvml                  Disable NVML GPU stats.
        --no-strict-ssl            Disable certificate validation for SSL connections.
        --no-watchdog              Disable built-in watchdog.
        --watchdog-exit-mode       Specifies the action "A" the watchdog should take if the miner gets restarted "N" times
                                   within "M" minutes.
                                   Format: N:M:A. Valid values:
                                                  N: any positive integer,
                                                  M: any positive integer,
                                                  A: r(system reboot), s(system shutdown), e(miner exit)
                                   Actions "r" and "s" require running the miner with administrative privileges.
                                   20:10:s - watchdog will shutdown the system if the miner gets restarted 20 times
                                             within any 10 minute interval
                                   5:7:r   - watchdog will reboot the system if the miner gets restarted 5 times
                                             within any 7 minute interval

    -B, --benchmark                Benchmark mode.
        --benchmark-epoch          Epoch number used during benchmark (default: 0).
                                   Only applicable to DAG based algorithms except ProgPOW family.
        --benchmark-block          Block number used during benchmark (default: 0).
                                   Only applicable for ProgPOW family of algorithms.

    -P, --protocol-dump            User protocol logging.
    -c, --config                   Load a JSON-format configuration file.
    -l, --log-path                 Full path of the log file.
        --cpu-priority             Set process priority (default: 2) 0 idle, 2 normal to 5 highest.

        --autoupdate               Perform auto update whenever a newer version of the miner is available.
        --back-to-main-pool-sec    Forces miner to switch back to main pool in case working with failover pool.
                                   Parameter is set in seconds. (default: 600)
        --exit-on-cuda-error       Forces miner to immediately exit on CUDA error.
        --exit-on-connection-lost  Forces miner to immediately exit on connection lost.
        --exit-on-high-power       Forces miner to immediately exit on high power consumption.
                                   (eg: --exit-on-high-power 600 - exit in case of total power consumption exceeds 600W)
        --reconnect-on-fail-shares Forces miner to immediately reconnect to pool on N successively failed shares (default: 10).

        --fork-at                  Forces miner to change algorithm on predefined condition (works only with built-in watchdog enabled)
                                   Epoch condition: <algo_name>=epoch:<epoch_number> (eg: --fork-at etchash=epoch:390).
                                   Block condition: <algo_name>=block:<block_number> (eg: --fork-at x16rv2=block:6526421).
                                   Time condition:  <algo_name>=time:<YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS>. Time must be set in UTC+0.
                                   (eg: --fork-at firopow=time:2021-10-26T06:00:00).
                                   To change main pool port you must write it right after algo: <algo_name>:<port_number>
                                   (eg: --fork-at x16rv2:4081=time:2019-10-01T16:00:00).

    --------------------- Arbitrary script execution ------------------------
    -- (scripts must be located in the same directory as t-rex executable) --

        --script-start             Executes user script right after miner start (eg: --script-start script_filename)
        --script-exit              Executes user script right before miner exit.
        --script-epoch-change      Executes user script on epoch change.
        --script-crash             Executes user script in case of miner crash.
        --script-low-hash          Executes user script in case of low hash. Hash threshold is set in MegaHashes/second.
                                   Example: --script-low-hash script_to_activate:50
                                            (activates "script_to_activate" script once total hashrate drops to 50MH/s)

    -------------------- GPU fine tuning (Windows & Linux) ------------------

        --pl                       Sets GPU power limit (Windows - in percent, Linux - in Watts)
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
        --lock-cclock              Specifies desired locked GPU core clock speed in MHz. (default: 0 - disabled).
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
                                   Example: --lock-cclock 1000 (applies clock 1000Mhz to all cards that support this functionality)
                                            --lock-cclock 1000,1300,0 (applies clock 1000Mhz to GPU #0, 1300MHz to GPU #1, ignore GPU #2)

        --mt                       Memory tweak mode (default: 0 - disabled). Range from 0 to 6. General recommendation
                                   is to start with 1, and then increase only if the GPU is stable.
                                   The effect is similar to that of ETHlargementPill.
                                   Supported on Pascal GPUs with GDDR5 or GDDR5X memory only.
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
                                   Can be set to a comma separated list to apply different values to different cards.
                                   Example: --mt 4 (applies tweak mode #4 to all cards that support this functionality)
                                            --mt 3,3,3,0 (applies tweak mode #3 to all cards except the last one)

    -------------------- GPU fine tuning (Windows only) ---------------------

                                   All options can be set to a comma separated list to apply different values to
                                   different cards. (default value for all options: 0 - not used)
        --fan                      Sets GPU fan speed in percent or target temperature (auto-fan).
                                   Valid formats:
                                      --fan N           (where N is the fan speed)
                                      --fan t:N         (where N is the target core temperature)
                                      --fan t:N[F1-F2]  (same as above, but with the fan speed constrained by [F1%, F2%] range)
                                      --fan tm:N        (where N is the target memory temperature)
                                      --fan tm:N[F1-F2] (same as above, but with the fan speed constrained by [F1%, F2%] range)
                                   Example: --fan 45,t:67,tm:95,t:69[45-100],tm:90[50-95]
                                   which translates to
                                      GPU #0: set fan speed to 45%
                                      GPU #1: maintain GPU core temperature at 67C
                                      GPU #2: maintain GPU memory temperature at 90C
                                      GPU #3: maintain GPU core temperature at 69C
                                              with the fan speed limited to [45%, 100%] range
                                      GPU #4: maintain GPU memory temperature at 90C
                                              with the fan speed limited to [50%, 95%] range
                                   Note: fan speeds are limited to [0%, 100%] range in auto-fan mode by default.
        --cclock                   Sets GPU core clock offset in MHz.
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
                                   Will be set to 0 on exit and during DAG rebuild.
        --mclock                   Sets GPU memory clock offset in MHz.
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
                                   Will be set to 0 on exit and during DAG rebuild.
        --cv                       Sets GPU core voltage in percent. Must be within [0, 100] range.
                                   Use it only in case you know what you are doing!
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
        --lock-cv                  Specifies desired GPU core voltage in mV. (default: 0 - disabled).
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.
        --pstate                   Sets GPU P-state. Valid values: p0.
                                   Requires running the miner with administrative privileges.


        --version                  Display version information and exit.
    -h, --help                     Display this help text and exit.


  • ERGO-纳米池
t-rex -a autolykos2 -o stratum+tcp://ergo-eu1.nanopool.org:11111 -u 9gpNWA3LVic14cMmWHmKGZyiGqrxPaSEvGsdyt7jt2DDAWDQyc9.rig0/your@email.org -p x
  • ERGO-herominers
t-rex -a autolykos2 -o stratum+tcp://de.ergo.herominers.com:1180 -u 9gpNWA3LVic14cMmWHmKGZyiGqrxPaSEvGsdyt7jt2DDAWDQyc9.rig0 -p x
  • ERGO-woolypooly
t-rex -a autolykos2 -o stratum+tcp://pool.woolypooly.com:3100 -u 9gpNWA3LVic14cMmWHmKGZyiGqrxPaSEvGsdyt7jt2DDAWDQyc9.rig0 -p x
  • ERGO-2矿工
t-rex -a autolykos2 -o stratum+tcp://erg.2miners.com:8888 -u 9gpNWA3LVic14cMmWHmKGZyiGqrxPaSEvGsdyt7jt2DDAWDQyc9.rig0 -p x
  • ETC-2矿工
t-rex -a etchash -o stratum+tcp://etc.2miners.com:1010 -u 0x1f75eccd8fbddf057495b96669ac15f8e296c2cd -p x -w rig0
  • ETC-woolypooly
t-rex -a etchash -o stratum+tcp://pool.woolypooly.com:35000 -u 0x1f75eccd8fbddf057495b96669ac15f8e296c2cd -p x -w rig0
  • ETH-2矿工
t-rex -a ethash -o stratum+tcp://eth.2miners.com:2020 -u 0x1f75eccd8fbddf057495b96669ac15f8e296c2cd -p x -w rig0
  • ETH-ethproxy
t-rex -a ethash -o stratum+
  • ETH-纳米池
t-rex -a ethash -o stratum+tcp://eth-eu1.nanopool.org:9999 -u 0x1f75eccd8fbddf057495b96669ac15f8e296c2cd.rig0/your@email.org -p x
  • ETH-乙醚胺
t-rex -a ethash -o stratum+tcp://eu1.ethermine.org:4444 -u 0x1f75eccd8fbddf057495b96669ac15f8e296c2cd -p x -w rig0
  • ETH-miningpoolhub
t-rex -a ethash -o stratum2+tcp://europe.ethash-hub.miningpoolhub.com:20535 -u somaton.gtx1080 -p x
  • ETH-miningrigrentals
t-rex -a ethash -o stratum+tcp://eu-ru01.miningrigrentals.com:3344 -u wasya89.165854 -p x
  • ETH-woolypooly
t-rex -a ethash -o stratum+tcp://pool.woolypooly.com:3096 -u 0x1f75eccd8fbddf057495b96669ac15f8e296c2cd -p x -w rig0
  • ETH-弹性池
t-rex -a ethash -o stratum+ssl://eth-us-east.flexpool.io:5555 -u 0x1f75eccd8fbddf057495b96669ac15f8e296c2cd -p x -w rig0
  • CFX-woolypooly
t-rex -a octopus -o stratum+tcp://pool.woolypooly.com:3094 -u cfx:aajauymfc0cpd4aj91wmfyd150avfg3fmym9j2xrh8.rig0 -p x
  • CFX-纳米池
t-rex -a octopus -o stratum+tcp://cfx-eu1.nanopool.org:17777 -u cfx:aajauymfc0cpd4aj91wmfyd150avfg3fmym9j2xrh8.rig0/your@email.org -p x
  • RVN-2矿工
t-rex -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp://rvn.2miners.com:6060 -u RBX1G6nYDMHVtyaZiQWySMZw1Bb2DEDpT8.rig -p x
  • RVN-ravenminer
t-rex -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp://stratum.ravenminer.com:3838 -u RBX1G6nYDMHVtyaZiQWySMZw1Bb2DEDpT8.rig -p x
  • RVN-woolypooly
t-rex -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp://pool.woolypooly.com:55555 -u RBX1G6nYDMHVtyaZiQWySMZw1Bb2DEDpT8.rig -p x
  • SERO-beepool
t-rex -a progpow --coin sero -o stratum+tcp://sero-pool.beepool.org:9515 -u JCbZnEb8XtWV814QWRpDcDxpQpXZXw4ARneAtwXNYdd3reuo4xQDcuZivopA761QnQyfMermHR9Mpi156F5n7ez9tv75Wt7vWbHXtuyZsQVWLbKNHnZgwcXbR2yZmbw89WT -p x -w rig0
  • VBK-幸运池
t-rex -a progpow-veriblock -o stratum+tcp://vbk.luckypool.io:9501 -u V5h6udgGe6eL4M9cYGi776WCP75URm -p x -w rig0
  • VEIL-woolypooly
t-rex -a progpow-veil -o stratum+tcp://pool.woolypooly.com:3098 -u bv1qzftz0vuqa82zy29avylv8sclskweqsrwysgrkg -p x -w rig0
  • ZANO-幸运池
t-rex -a progpowz -o stratum+tcp://zano.luckypool.io:8877 -u iZ2bZfXdeN626rkyy9YsnfeT1Qq1K6XamE4brWm3tzP5hDUAig4dHmKSqe4yyq5dgbSPjmpLbfidqPyDXAuFY2J9544F95vagSF1Xqq3eCUp -p x -w rig0
  • FIRO-2矿工
t-rex -a mtp -o stratum+tcp://firo.2miners.com:8181 -u aBR3GY8eBKvEwjrVgNgSWZsteJPpFDqm6U.rig0 -p x --fork-at firopow=time:2021-10-26T06:00:00
  • FIRO-薄荷池
t-rex -a mtp -o stratum+ssl://firo.mintpond.com:3005 -u aBR3GY8eBKvEwjrVgNgSWZsteJPpFDqm6U.rig0 -p x --fork-at firopow=time:2021-10-26T06:00:00
  • FIRO-woolypooly
t-rex -a mtp -o stratum+tcp://pool.woolypooly.com:3098 -u aBR3GY8eBKvEwjrVgNgSWZsteJPpFDqm6U.rig0 -p x --fork-at firopow=time:2021-10-26T06:00:00

JSON 配置文件

要使用配置文件启动T-雷克斯config.txt在控制台类型:t-rex -c config.txt。使用config_example文件作为起点来创建您自己的配置。
如果在配置文件中并通过 cmd 行设置了参数,则后者优先,例如:t-rex -c config.txt -w <worker_name_to_override_the_one_in_config_file>


Watchdog 旨在观察矿工状态并在 T-Rex 因任何原因崩溃或挂起时重新启动它。此外,如果有更新的版本可用,看门狗可以选择性地执行自动更新。我们建议使用看门狗来避免挖矿停机,并确保您的 GPU 24/7 忙碌。如果确实需要禁用看门狗,可以使用--no-watchdog参数来实现。


默认情况下,HTTP API 服务器绑定到127.0.0.1:4067. 这意味着您只能从本地主机访问您的矿机。请参阅--api-bind-http有关如何更改它的参数。请求结构的常见示例:http://<ip>:<port>/<handler_name>


  • trex – 在您的网络浏览器中显示矿工控制监控页面。
  • login – 旨在获取会话 ID 密钥以用于所有请求,以防矿工受到 api-key 的保护。 => {“sid”:”hj2DGIIYQ6rWcEbtscEU0ooGQvj3101L”,”success”:1} 然后对每个请求使用“sid”。
  • 注销– 旨在注销活动会话。
  • config – 更改您在 HDD 上的配置,并即时更改一些矿工参数。
    您可以通过一个请求更改多个参数。支持 GET 和 POST 请求。
    如果您使用配置文件(例如t-rex.exe -c config_file),则任何带有处理程序的操作config都将保存到config_file.
    您可以使用此处理程序进行自动化,例如在运行时更改配置文件,通过 API 关闭矿工,然后应用新参数重新启动它。GET 用法示例:
    即时启用协议转储并将其写入 config_file

对于 POST 请求,您必须使用正确的 json 对象和要更改的参数:
有效载荷:{"hashrate_avr": 10, "temperature-limit": 70, "temperature-start": 40}
json 中的参数名称和类型与您通常使用的 config json 相同。

  • 摘要– 显示有关当前挖掘过程的所有信息。



  // 接受的共享数计数
  "accepted_count" : 6 ,

  // 关于你的矿工当前连接到
    // 当前池难度

    // 池延迟
    "ping" : 97 ,

    // 连接丢失时的连接尝试次数
    “重试”0 ,

    // 池连接字符串
    "url" : "stratum+tcp://..." ,

    // 通常你的钱包地址
    "user" : "..." 
  } ,

  // 在配置中设置的
  算法 "algorithm" : "x16r" ,

  // HTTP API 协议版本   
  "api" : "1.2" ,

  // 用于构建矿工的 CUDA 工具包版本
  "cuda" : "9.10" ,

  // 软件说明
  "description" : "T-Rex NVIDIA GPU miner" ,

  // 当前网络难度

  // 系统中安装的 GPU 总数
  "gpu_total" : 1 ,

  // 列出系统中所有当前工作的 GPU 及其统计信息
  “gpus”[ { 
    // 内部设备 ID,对开发人员有用

    // 风扇叶片转速占最大速度的
    百分比 "fan_speed" : 66 ,

    // 配置中用户定义的设备 ID 
    "gpu_user_id" : 0 ,

    // 在配置
    “hashrate”中定义的每 N 秒平均哈希率4529054 

    // 每天平均哈希率
    "hashrate_day" : 5023728 ,

    // 每小时平均哈希率
    "hashrate_hour" : 0 ,

    // 每分钟平均哈希率
    "hashrate_minute" : 4671930 ,

    // 用户定义的强度

    // 当前设备名称。
    "name" : "GeForce GTX 1050" ,

    // 当前设备温度。

    // 当前设备供应商。
    "供应商" : "技嘉" ,

    // 设备状态。如果设备达到热限制,可能会出现。(由 --temperature-limit 设置)

    // 禁用时的设备温度。如果设备达到热限制,可能会出现。

    // 设备的共享统计信息。
    "shares" : { 
        "accepted_count" : 3 , 
        "invalid_count" : 0 , 
        "rejected_count" : 0 , 
        "solved_count" : 0 
  } ] ,

  // 配置中定义的所有活动设备每 N 秒的平均哈希值总和。

  // 一天算力的总平均总和。

  // 一小时算力的总平均总和。
  "hashrate_hour" : 0 ,

  // 一分钟算力的总平均总和。

  // 应用名称
  "name" : "t-rex" ,

  // 操作系统
  "os" : "linux" ,

  // 这是被拒绝的股票数量。
  "rejected_count" : 0 ,

  // 这是找到的块数。
  "solved_count" : 0 ,

  // 从纪元开始的当前时间(以秒为单位)。(参考:https
   : //www.epochconverter.com “ts”1537095257 

  // 以秒为单位的正常运行时间。这显示了矿工已经运行了多长时间。

  // 矿工版本。

  // 有关可用更新的信息。出现更新可用的情况。

    // 要下载的文件存档的 URL。
    "url" : "https://fileurl" ,

    // 更新包签名 (md5)。
    "md5sum" : "md5..." ,

    // 更新中的霸王龙版本。

    // 有关更新更改的简短信息。
    "notes" : "简短的更新信息" ,

    // 有关更新更改的完整信息。
    "notes_full" : "完整的更新信息" ,

    // 有关当前更新下载的信息。
    "download_status" :
      // 下载的总字节数。
      "downloaded_bytes" : 1775165 ,

      // 要下载的总字节数。

      // 如果下载失败,最后一个错误。
      "last_error" : "" ,

      // 自下载第一个字节起经过的时间。

      // 下载服务状态。
      "update_in_progress" : true ,

      // 下载名为 state 的服务。("started", "downloading", "finished", "error", "idle") 
      "update_state" : "downloading" ,

      // 正在运行的文件的 URL。
      "url" : "https://fileurl" 
    } , 
  • do-update – 更新矿工。
    导航到http://开始 T-Rex 更新。
  • control – T-Rex 矿机的实时配置。
    从 API 1.3 版本开始,支持以下命令:
  • shutdown – 关闭你的矿机。用法:
    如果您更喜欢 POST,请将请求正文设置为{"command": "shutdown"}.
  • 暂停- 停止你的矿工。用法:; 恢复使用:
    要暂停特定的GPU:,2,3; 恢复使用:,2,3.
    如果您更喜欢 POST,请将请求正文设置为{"pause": "true:0,2,3"}.
  • hashrate-avr – 实时更改滑动窗口大小。用法:
    它将设置大小为 1 秒的滑动窗口。
    如果您更喜欢 POST,请将请求正文设置为{"hashrate-avr": 1}.
  • no-color – 禁用颜色输出到控制台。用法:。启用:
    如果您更喜欢 POST,请将请求正文设置为{"no-color": true}.
  • protocol-dump – 启用用户协议转储到控制台/日志。启用: 禁用:
    如果您更喜欢 POST,请将请求正文设置为{"protocol-dump": true}.
  • time-limit – 以秒为单位设置矿工的时间限制(超时后将关闭)。用法:。它会在此请求后 120 秒关闭您的矿机。
    如果您更喜欢 POST,请将请求正文设置为{"time-limit": 120}.





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